It is well understood that being overweight is not good. When someone wants to lose weight, he or she may well be rationally convinced to do so, without much effort. However, making it happen is often an uphill task. Pattern thinking is difficult to overcome and it is very difficult to break neuro patterns which stops one from picking up new habits like exercising regularly or saying no to certain types of food.

Humans are wired to think and behave in patterns. When change projects are implemented in organisations, such patterns are disturbed. A move to a new way or working is such a change project, and often met with resistance by a sizeable chunk of workers. However such patterns are not hardwired and can be changed and replaced with new and improved modes of thinking and working. We handhold organisations through a change management journey when change projects are implemented.

Our tried and tested techniques have shown that guiding an individual through behavioural change is complex. However doing this at an organizational level is far more complex as individuals need to be convinced on their own terms, and the individual terms need to be tied in together for communal behaviour change. This requires a well-choreographed programme of initiatives, that our team is equipped to design, execute and hand over.

The starting point of such initiatives is to ensure that a workplace strategy is in place. Write in to us for more details on how to start the change process.

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