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Work, Workers & Workplaces: The Book
iDream-Making Work Easy: Since 2003
Making Work Easy
What is it all about
The Book
The EasyWork rating
The EasyWork Self-Assessment
The EasyWork Survey for Teams
The Easy Work Workshop
Optimize Office Space with Sensors
The FAQs of Workplace Transformation
Work, Workers & Workplaces: The Book
Hybrid Work Calculator
Got a min? Use this simple calculator to see approximate savings by adopting hybrid models of work, in real time.
Total number of white collared workers in the office
Include only those for whom this particular office space is the reporting office
Traditionally, in the pre-Covid era, did you (till now) have a practice of planning for 1:1 ratio for headcount:seatcount?
Mostly Yes
No, we planned for less seats
Most organisations followed this in the pre-Covid era. This means that the number of traditional desks/workstations in the office is roughly equal to the number of employees who come to the office.
That is progressive; you are probably already saving a fair bit on your real estate related costs, compared to others. Let's see if you can save even more.
Alright. Let us explore if there are opportunities to save on real estate costs by adopting some new ways of working.
Is your organisation likely to adopt hybrid models of work?
In hybrid models, an organisation gives freedom and flexibility to employees to decide where, how and when they want to work. This comes with the belief that all work does not necessarily have to happen at the office and even if in office, it does not have to happen on one's desk. Some of it may happen in office, some of it may happen at one's desk. But not all; for most people.
Is your organisation likely to be open to unassigned seating?
Unassigned seating refers to seating arrangements where employees do not have dedicated seats. When they report to work, they will certainly get a desk (if they need one), but it is not dedicated.
Oops! If you have entered zero, that indicates that you may not yet be ready for a hybrid model of work. Please enter a number greater than zero and less than the number of working days in a month to see the savings.
Oh, ok:) No worries; not everyone is ready for deploying hybrid models of work yet. This calculator was designed for those who wish to adopt hybrid models of work, whereby employees have a choice of deciding when, where (office, home or a third place) and how they want to work. Even if you do not adopt hybrid models, there are still ways of saving on real estate costs. You could do this by asking some employees to work permanently from home, by deploying unassigned seating at office and a host of other measures. Please contact us to know how. To continue with the calculator here and get real time outputs, please select Yes above.
If you allow employees the choice of working from home and also the luxury of a dedicated seat, the real estate efficiencies on an average, are likely to be less than adopting unassigned seating. But you can still be smart about it. For example, seats/workstations can be shared between 2 (or more colleagues) and still dedicated. A seat can be used by Shalini on Mondays and Wednesdays (while she works from home through the rest of the week), and the same seat can be used by Ravi on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, while he works from home on Mondays and Wednesdays. There are other ways of reducing the seat count, even without adopting unassigned seating. This needs to be customized to your organisation’s goals and needs, as there will be multiple dependent variables. This works best with the support of seat booking apps and other AI based apps. For more details, reach out to us. To continue with the calculator here and get real time outputs, please select Yes above.
Basic Details about your Organisation (The savings appear automatically below once you complete this section)
This section requires to be filled up, before the calculator works to show you real time results. We do not store this data. Once you have filled in these details you can go the section below; and see real time estimates of possible savings. You can also choose to immediately have the results emailed to yourself.
Size (in sqft) of the current office
Total Rent per month for the given office space
Kindly respond to this with reference to your ongoing lease agreement for the given space.
Average total monthly electricity charges in Rupees
Total cost of housekeeping per month in Rupees
Enter the cost for the given office space
Average number of days your employees are likely to work from home per month in the post Covid era?
Please enter per month data, not per week data. Such data is usually derived from employee surveys that organizations do. If you would like us to conduct one for your employees, do reach out to us.
Approximate number of seats which can be given up
Approximate Savings per Month
These are approximate savings comprising of rent, maintenance costs and electricity. It does not include any capex related to the fit-out
You mentioned that even in the pre-Covid era, your seatcount was less than your headcount. How many seats/workstations per 100 employees did you plan for?
Average number of days your employees are likely to work from home per month in the post Covid era?
Please enter per month data, not per week data. Such data is usually derived from employee surveys that organizations do. If you would like us to conduct one for your employees, do reach out to us.
Approximate number of seats per 100 employees you require in the office
This is an approximation, based on certain industry benchmarks. This needs to be validated and aligned with your organisation's needs and goals.
Approximate Savings per Month
These are approximate savings comprising of rent, maintenance costs and electricity. It does not include any capex related to the fit-out
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If you would like the above data to be emailed to you for your records, please enter your email id here and click the button. The data is emailed to you immediately. Please check your junk/spam if you cannot find the email in your inbox.
Email Address
This is optional. If you wish a copy of your calculations emailed to you instantly, kindly enter your email address here.
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