Data sets, derived from a variety of exercises as shown below, are analysed in combination with each other, leading to an evidence-based strategy for new ways of working. 


We help design the new age workplace which is a combination of physical and digital worlds. If you have designers on-boarded we train and align designs to achieve business goals. We then manage the change.


When a workplace is designed to collate real-time data around occupancy, work-styles and the performance of its infrastructure, it allows opportunities for the workplace to be modified easily to reflect changing business needs.

Employee Surveys

Leadership Interviews

Focus Groups

Occupancy Patterns Study

Behaviour Study

Change management

Integrated design of the physical and virtual workplaces, based on and aligned with strategy.

Occupancy Analytics

Infrastructure Analytics

Pulse Surveys

Focus Groups

Leadership Interviews

Persuasive Design : Our Secret Sauce

Our focus is on influencing employee behaviour positively through the characteristics of employee workplace touchpoints.


This changes the outlook of Workplace Design from being about design of spaces, to the design of touch-points in the employees’ workplace journey.


A Persuasive Design approach, focused on understanding employee workplace journeys, is the missing link between Strategy and Workplace Design.

All of the above is about Change

Change cannot be put on people. The best way to instill change is to do it with them. Create it with them.

However well meaning it may be, but if change is put on people, they will reject it. Our services include a default layer of Change Management services, customised on the basis of the data gathered at the pre-design stage.

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