Humans are wired to follow the path of least resistance. If one doesn’t have to do something, he or she will not do it. Technology has enabled humans to work from coffee shops and from home, reducing the need to go to work. The very
meaning of work has changed for modern day workers where the workplace is no more a physical space. The new workplace is a blended space of the physical and the digital.

The subconscious mind is like cruise control for humans and shapes behavior. The environment that one is in conditions the mind. At work, the workplace environment conditions quality of thinking. For organizations in a collaboration
economy today, productivity depends on the quality of thinking, and not so much on efficiency. The blended workplace is the starting point of innovation for organizations that believe in being distinctly different.


Parthajeet Sarma delves into psychology, human evolution and science to draw connections with greatly changed expectations from work. In his third book, Parthajeet espouses the need for management to get out of codified theories.
This facilitates a macro view, leading to a radical new meaning of work, workers and workplaces that is aligned with the organization’s vision for the future.

There will be a workshop  inspired in the change in the workplace. By 2020, millennials will occupy 50% of workplaces, many of them in decision making positions. The physical & digital form of workplaces has to reflect the needs and aspirations
of a generation which has grown up in a digital age. Organisations have to make a fundamental shift within their workplaces, as millennials no more ‘need to come to work’. Godrej Interio and iDream present a first of its kind workshop
series in India, to sensitize organisations and professionals on this fundamental shift; as well as to demonstrate tried and tested techniques to do so. This is a ‘thinking with hands’, highly interactive workshop. We believe that
this focus on communication ensures a transparent job search process and an extra layer of support once you are working at one of our many client organisations. In the workshop you will have an assigned consultant, who is a specialist
in the area in which your experience lies, works hard on your behalf to ensure you are offered a variety of Social Work opportunities/jobs with the help of
Social Work Jobs Melbourne. They will take the time to get to know you and gain an in-depth understanding of what you are looking for. Your consultant is also there to support you and help you through any challenges you face.

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E-book versions

Making of the book: A lot went behind writing this book. It is a marriage of Parthajeet’s love for writing and his professional experience of over two decades. His constant yearning for understanding the changing nature
of work leads him to constantly meet professionals from a cross segment of business domains. Some of these conversations are video taped. Shown below are snippets from a few. All opinions by participants in these conversations are
of personal nature and does not necessarily reflect the official position or opinion of organizations they represent.

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